Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday inspiration

Trying to inspire myself to keep on sorting our house. 

The dining room bench needs new pillow cushions, I've had this elephant fabric waiting for that. 
A white and black tin has become  a new container for kitchen utensils. 
A little white tray for corralling cooking oil, olive oil and balsamico. 

These are just tiny spots in our tiny house that are presentable. 
When I get home from work this afternoon I'll have to invest a couple of hours in a cleaning round before weekend begins for real.  



  1. God helg!

    Tulipanløkene dine har det nok perfekt. Grunnen til at jeg må vente med mine, er at margerittene og lavendelen fortsatt blomstrer i de samme pottene :-)

  2. I really like cleaning before the weekend comes around too. Makes me feel like I can just sit back and enjoy being home.
